Sigh, summer is almost over. Next weekend is Labor Day and the decadent dessert party. I can already feel the pounds just piling on. And then its fall – autumnal equinox is not until Sept. 23 at 5:51 A.M. EDT, but Labor Day weekend signals the end of summer fun and back to school.
We went to Florida in July to visit my closest friends, mid August was the annual Filemyr family get together in the Deep Creek Lake area of western Maryland. This year was doubly special as Tim’s daughter Lisa and her boyfriend David joined us at Tim’s mother’s, thus breaking the previous record from Christmas of 16 people, 3 cats and 1 dog to 18 people, 2 cats and 1 dog under one roof. Speaking of the roof, if you plan to renovate your house and you’re wondering how long does a roof last in Florida, find the answer here at You can also check out palm springs roofing for more information related on this article.
Below are some photos from Marilyn’s birthday party at Cornish Manor.

All 18 of us - sans the pets!

Marilyn and her children

Amy, Tim, Lois and Steve

Tim, Amy, Marilyn, Lois and Steve

The in laws and Marilyn (Christina, Doug, Marilyn, Rick, Me )

Tim & me