Our Boring Master Bedroom
YAAAWWWNNN (Covers her mouth)
Sorry about that.
It’s normal and appropriate for bedrooms to produce yawns, unless the yawns come from decorating boredom.
Which I think I have.

Our Master Bedroom, Circa 2006
You see, the master bedroom has not changed significantly from when we finished it in 2006 – almost 8 years ago. We have:
The same bed – mattress and bed frame (head & footboard), in the same location under the window, except the rattan of the headboard and footboard has chewing damage by the Grrrr Girls.
The walls are a beautiful warm and cocoon-like chocolate brown, with white trim – but still the same.
The curtains and the bamboo shades we installed 8 years ago – still the same.
Very few things changed over the years:
- an addition of an oversized antique empire dresser that I adore, but really belongs in another room
- new bedding due to damage sustained by teething puppies
- a new flatscreen TV, that STILL needs to be hung
So much sameness – I think its time for a change.

Love this bedroom
I’ve been looking at bedroom furniture for several years now, and either couldn’t find what I wanted, or didn’t want to afford what I really liked.

Shutters for Headboards
I’m sure you can relate.
And then I found what I really really liked, and realized that while I could afford the item, I didn’t have to buy it, I could (with BIG help from Tim) make the headboard.
And that struck me as a more satisfying idea.

This got me thinking
Once we decided to do the bed project, then it seemed like a good idea to change out the night stands to ones that were more functional, properly scaled and matched in color or style.

The inspiration piece
All new bedroom redo

Gorgeous Shutter Headboard!
So what’s coming?
- A new headboard made from 3 vintage doors scored for $20 each at my favorite salvage shop – because, as you know, I have a vintage door affliction
- We have a Sleep Number bed and need a new foundation for it because in a fit of purging some years back, I gave away the original one that came with the bed
- New, matching night stands – IKEA Rast Hack here we come!
- New bed side lamps scaled to match the new bed and nightstands
- Hang the TV on the wall
Here are my inspiration pieces from Restoration Hardware:

Creamy paneled bed
I’m taking an Annie Sloan Chalk Painting class this Saturday so I can learn the proper painting technique.

Nightstand style I’m favoring
My only question is what color should I paint the headboard and the night stands?

Zinc colored bed
The zinc or creamy white?
If I go with the creamy white, I don’t have to paint the bedroom walls, as they’re in really good shape. That’s a significant time saver, and the color is neutral enough to work with the linens I now have…
If I go with the Zinc/graphite finish, the walls will definitely need painted, which would truly make the room look completely different.
That do you think?
Creamy White or Zinc?