Just think of the married monogram as a domesticated tattoo
You may recall, earlier this month, I married my sweetheart Tim.
I can’t believe we did it, and it still feels a little weird to call him my husband.
Even though we’ve been together for 8 years, and have felt like we were married for most of that time, now we really are…
and I can finally INDULGE in that most southern of traditions
– a married monogram.

Libeco Monogramed Pillow from Number Four Eleven
I’m keeping my last name, and he’s keeping his, so it would be a two letter monogram – H and F.
In case you’re wondering, for a myriad of reasons, I didn’t take his last name:
- I’m the last of my line, so the name has to linger as long as it can
- I happen to love ALL 11 letters in my long and “distinguished” last name
- At this point in my life, why confuse other people – or frankly myself, with remembering my new name?
- Professionally, I would have to start over, and I really don’t want to work that hard
- I LIKE my last name – and it suits me – ’nuff said
I know, I know, I could have had my own customized monogram created before we married, and I even toyed with the idea several times, but it never really felt right.
Back to the IMPORTANT thing – the MONOGRAM
One of the blogs I follow is Dixie Delights. Her blog satisfies my southern girlie-ness in a way no one else can. A while ago Amanda shared the monogram she had custom designed by her friend Cortland from the lovely shop, Number Four Eleven, in Savannah, GA.
It was beautiful, and I wanted one of my own.

The first Monogram style
In other words, I WAS DROOLING for one of these.

Another monogram style we considered
Feet were sopping wet, slobber stains on my shirt…

Monogram Proof #1 – We’re getting pretty close to perfect
I think you get the picture.
So I called the store and Cortland began creating our very own married monogram from our last name initials.
It was quite easy and painless, and after a few back and forth emails, we came up with a design both Tim and I liked.
This is the proof they recently sent, and we approved:

Our Married Monogram – H & F intertwined forever
I’m looking forward to seeing our HF festooned on pillows and linen napkins and plastic cups for parties and guest bathroom towels.
Oh My!