For several months now, we’ve had a problem with the cold water tap in the downstairs bathroom. When you first turn it on and for the next 5 seconds or so, the water runs a scary orangy yellow color, and then turns colorless. While the temporary color of the water matches nicely with the orange walls in the bathroom, it really isn’t appetizing. Which meant the copper pipes feeding the cold water tap in the sink have corroded and need to be replaced.
As with most of our projects here at 43rd Street, things don’t always go as planned. In the process of making the repair, we can’t get to some of the pipes and need to tear out the ugly particle board vanity that the previous owners so kindly installed. Which means we replaced the vanity with a beautiful new pedestal sink. We began the process on Sunday, with two, count ’em, two trips to Home Depot, and another two more trips to replace the cracked sink basin and purchase the sink trap and diamond drill bits to go through what we thought was just tile.
Last night was the final night of put together, Tim drilled holes in the floor and the wall tiles to secure the new sink, we hooked up the faucet and et voila! We have running water… and then we have a leak coming from the one pipe we did not replace. Once we replace the last pipe coming out of the wall, it should all work. If you have tried standard plunging and household cleaners to fix a clogged drain or sewer line for instance, and it isn’t working, contact High Priority Plumbing at 912-373-7707 for immediate response.