We’ve owned our house for almost 5 years, and in that time, we made incredible progress in updating, changing, modernizing and decorating our humble cape cod. And because we care what our neighbors see when they look out their windows, or even folks just driving by, we’ve spent time and money re-landscaping the front yard: ripping out old trees, bushes and shrubs, not to mention reseeding, putting in new trees, shrubs and perennials. I’m not even mentioning the lawn service and what they’ve helped us accomplish.
But the backyard has been mostly a dumping ground, or at least that’s what it seemed like to me. Tim’s non functioning motorcycle was permanently parked on the back terrace, along with the trash bins, recycle bin, wood planks and crown molding left over from other projects, empty planters, our fabulous grill and a vintage cast iron round outdoor dining table, 12 stack-able outdoor Grosfillex resin chairs (2 different styles!), a potted Confederate Jasmine plant, an archery target, and oh so much more… (see image)

The before shot
When we’ve entertained, we had to do it in the actual yard, and I’m embarrassed to admit that while we cleaned up some of the more junky junk when folks came over, the motorcycle, recycling bin and trash cans remained in their anointed places. I cringe now when I think about it.
This past Sunday, we spent most of the day throwing out the junk, moving the motorcycle to the driveway (where it should have lived for the last almost 5 years…), moving the trash cans, and general clean up with the stick vacuum. There’s significantly more to do to turn the terrace and backyard in to a well functioning attractive outdoor room, but the clean up is a significant start. I’d like to say thanks to Valorie at Visual Vamp for the inspiration, as she recently completed a years in the making revamp of her outdoor spaces for the the Shotgun Homes Tour.
This is where we started. I’ll share where the transformation along the way. Thanks for following along!
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