Cherry Blossoms in Bloom
You may recall last week, Mother Nature and I had a tiff over forcing my Cherry Blossoms to bloom early.
Sorry for the late follow up post. Its been a crazy busy week at work with a new application going live, AND then Tim became sick.

Cherry Blossoms Up close
First with Walking Pneumonia… yand then, if that wasn’t enough, his body decided it also wanted to host the flu which is difficult since there are different types of pneumonia and some are difficult to cure.
Yep, that’s right – a bacteria AND viral party has raided our home and set up an outpost in Tim.
An adult male with one malady is bad enough, but add a second illness, and well, it’s not pretty. All of which means something had to slip, and it was this post.
The Compromise
Seems Mother Nature and I both were in a more conciliatory mood this last week. Neither side giving in to the other completely, but we did compromise. Here are the results of our collaboration.

Cherry Blossoms Using Photoshop Paint Daubs Filter
I can take no real credit for her work.

More Kwanzan Cherry Blossom Blooms
I’m glad we compromised.

Cherry Blossoms Bouquet on Buffet
Leeloo likes the Cherry Blossoms

Leeloo & the Cherry Blossoms in the Trumeau Mirror