and Will Give Your Mailman a Herniated Disk?
This was waiting for me when I arrived home today…

Born: June 2014, Weight at birth: 17 pounds 0 ounces
When I read about it last week on Erin Gate’s blog, Elements of Style, I thought this was a ‘to the trade’ only sort of thing….
However, a mere mortal like me, just about broke my mailman’s back with this special delivery.

The whole shebang – 2014 Restoration Hardware Product Line
I kinda have mixed feeling about this thing
On one hand
(the logical and politically correct hand)
says why can’t you post this online and leave it at that?
Save some trees and protect our mailman’s back…
And they have the nerve to say they’re being ecologically responsible by shipping it this way…
The reasonable and earth conscious hand wants you to know:
To opt out of receiving this sort of tom foolery again…
call Restoration Hardware at 1-800- 762-1005 with your address and cancel your “subscription”
On the other hand (the kid in the proverbial candy store type hand) went YIPPEE!

Restoration Hardware 2014 Product Lines
lots of pretty pictures in fantasy settings …
My favorite catalog, SO FAR, is the Small Spaces.
I can’t make up my mind, which hand is correct…
What do you think?
Which hand gets it right?