Sorry for the delayed posting, this was scheduled to go out on Friday, but WordPress and a new plugin had other ideas. We’re out and about, perhaps a little further than normal, which explains lack of posts in the previous week. Lots to share coming up this week.
How will you celebrate Memorial Day?

Vintage Memorial Day Postcard, Source
Memorial Day is the unofficial kick off to the summer season…
unofficial, as the summer solstice is June 21…
which, according to meteorological types,
is considered the first day of summer.

Patriotic Bunting on a Southern Style Home, Source
To celebrate this marker of the summer season, folks have any number of ways to celebrate…
from a picnic or outdoor gathering,

Memorial Day Crafts & Food, Source
the first trips to the beach or mountains,

Flags on a cottage to celebrate Memorial Day
and others travel to see family and friends.
What are you doing to celebrate?
I hope you and your family have a fun holiday, and I’ll come back next week with new posts, including the recent historic homes tour my neighborhood held recently.

Gorgeous home festooned with patriotic banners and a classic golden retriever – happy Memorial Day!, Source