Fat Chance

Just heard about the Oxygen Network’s new TV show, called Mo’Niques
Fat Chance
. It’s a beauty pageant for plus sized women. To quote Mo’Nique,
My Size
spokesperson: “I got tired of shows giving us such a negative image, that being big was a bad thing. The average woman is a size 14, we are the majority, we are America.

I can’t believe we are doing this. And it is not a good thing.

I understand the challenge of losing weight – I’ve had my own minor battle with weight loss for the last several years- and to be successful, it takes discipline and dedication. Something that these women are demonstrating they don’t have and the TV show is encouraging by saying its okay, by the mere act of creating and producing a TV show such as this. These women say that they are tired of being made to feel bad about themselves. I say, when did it become acceptable to have no personal control or responsibility for your actions? Unless their weight gain is due to some sort of true medical issue, being big is bad – health wise and image wise. If we continue to trod down this path, we will be a severely overweight nation in poor health. Already, there as been an increase in the cost of medical supplies/equipment to cater to the truly obese. Some overweight people take phentermine medication to lose weight. If this drug is still unfamiliar to you, and you want to know more info about it, read some blogs or post about phentermine. These higher costs are passed on to… you guessed it, you and me. So
we’re paying higher costs because someone can’t learn how to eat properly.

According to my pal Delegatrix, “Back in 1971, NIST issued a voluntary
for ready to wear clothing. The waist measurement for a Misses size 10 was 24 1/2″. Today, a Misses size 10 is typically a 28 1/2″ waist (Lands
for example). In 1971, with that waistline, NIST would have measured you at a size 16. The old size 10 is now considered a size 2.”

Keep in mind, the size 14 women on Mo’Nique’s show (according to the NIST old standards) would have been a size 18. So in reality, the average women’s size is now an 18 — when was a size 18 ever a good idea? What ever happened to pride, and self respect. Weighing as much as these women do, I don’t see any pride or self respect happening. Just a lack of discipline, laziness and a need to have the world say “Its alright sweetheart, you go ahead — eat food thats bad for you; you go ahead and eat too much of it; you go ahead and sit home and eat bon-bons instead of taking a nice long walk. No, sweetie, it’s not your fault you’re fat. But its okay if you are.”

Furthermore, Delegatrix discovered more insidiousness: Over time, the size standard became outdated and then went away. Why? “Because American men and women became heavier. In the past, the average woman’s figure once attempted to resemble the preferred hourglass shape of the fashion magazines, now women have become increasingly more pear-shaped – thicker waist and fuller hips. It was about this time that manufacturers discovered the advantage of appealing to women’s vanity. Forever 21 selling bigger clothes labeled with smaller size numbers.”

“The Department of Commerce officially withdrew the commercial standard for the sizing of women’s apparel on January 20, 1983. Currently, only pattern companies continue to use the traditional sizing standards.”

And that is when it really began – the acceptance of fat in America. I’m not talking about everyone becoming so obsessed with looking like a supermodel or the former waif-like heroin chic skinniness – thats not healthy either, but being a size 12/14 – the old size 12/14 would be just about right as an average. Here’s hoping.

Summer 2005 Update

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I’ve been A.W.O.L. this summer, and most of this past spring – so SUE me. I’ve been working and going to school full-time. Anyway, figured I’d post a summer update.

  1. Took a 15 week Intro to Sociology course in 3 weeks (compressed format – insane, really) and got a B in the class. The class was actually rather interesting. Would have enjoyed it at a more leisurely pace.
  2. Attended my first concert at Wolftrap in Vienna, VA.. Headerliner was bluesman Buddy Guy, openers were acoustic bluesman Chris Smithers and blues rocker par excellance Susan Tedeschi. She stole the show. The venue was amazing and wonderful, and I can’t wait to go back to see some one/thing else perform, soon. Why did I ever wait so long to go there? It was magic.
  3. Talking College Algebra now – Final on August 21… Currently have a B in class – CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Me neither. Thanks to Delegatrix and her excellent tutoring skills and math degree.
  4. 1 week away from finishing the most boring Psychology class ever – Final is a week from Saturday. This one lasted 8 weeks instead of 15. Would have been better in a 3 week format.
  5. Went to St. Pete for my first real vacation in quite a while, saw my best friend Susan, her wonderful husband Brian, and darling 4 year old son, Nic. Had the best time, did not want to come back here, at all. Weather was hot and steamy, just how I like it. Came back on Monday to similar weather here, made me less homesick. (Aside: Bought a bikini for the trip, never wore the darn thing!) Finally visited the legendary Hyde
    neighborhood in Tampa – I am smitten, and vow that someday I will live there. It is absolutely schmabulous!
  6. Delegatrix and I are going to see the musical “Hairspray“next Friday at the Kennedy Center.
    Never been there, hear its lovely.
  7. Fall 2005 Term starts too soon. I get a measly 2 weeks off before the grind begins again. And don’t even get me started about my programming class registration fiasco. It took all summer to figure out what I could and could not take, and where I could take it. Oy!

So now you know.

Went to my Weight Watchers meeting at work today, and discovered I am now 9 pounds lighter than from the start date in mid-May! That means only 5 more pounds to reach my first weightloss goal. I’ll re-evaluate whether I set a new weightloss goal or begin learning to maintain. This actually feels do-able!

My cohorts in weightloss have also experienced excellent results, so all in all we are a much lighter office! Yeah-Us!

goatman cast crew Ah, nothing says “Summertime” like the first Goatman get together.

Each year on father’s day weekend, the Goatman founders throw a first of the season get together that is always a lot of fun. I often wonder about the timing, but I haven’t bothered to ask. Just one more mystery in the Goatman lore…

This year I watched a rather hysterical game of Goatman Croquet – there were a lot of pranksters on the field, and one particular participant’s sole reason for playing was to knock anyone who came her way into the woods. Seems she gave up trying to get her ball through the wickets about 15 minutes into the game, and just became this wild force for chaos. She played no favorites, everyone was fair game for her. Ya gotta like that.

This past Sunday I went grocery shopping at the “W”. It is not my favorite store, but it is very near my house, and I was being lazy. Shame on me – I’ve become complacent in the last two years – shopping at a store whose cleanliness and customer service standards seem to slip week by week. But, its been convenient.

In the checkout line, the young man who was the cashier greeted me when it was my turn with: “Hi, I’ve only got ten – fifteen minutes left on my shift. Do you mind if I waste your time so I don’t have to do anything else?”

Me, surprised at the kid’s lack of work ethic and the “balls” to say something like that to a customer: “Well, actually, I DO mind if you waste my time – so no, its not alright. I have people waiting on me.”

Cashier: “Well, you know…blah, blah, blah…”
and he’s off, ignoring my request to not waste my time, and checking out my groceries at the speed of, well, molasses. Then, when what to my wondering eyes should appear, a customer approaches from behind me and asks him to go her some help in the floral department. You could have knocked me to the floor when he said “Sure, I’ll be right back…” and left his register in the middle of checking me out, to get her some help. Upon his return, he probably could tell that I was less than pleased with this turn of events (tipped off, no doubt by the steam rushing from my ears, and the throbbing vein in my forehead) and said to me “See, it didn’t take that long…”

So the moral of the story is: After an email to the corporate headquarters in Pennsylvania, with a return acknowledgement and brief apology for the poor service, I won’t shop there any longer. There are too many other grocery stores in the general vicinity who do want my business, like: Shoppers, Safeway, Giant and even Food Lion.

Not that I’m any where near ready for it this year, but perhaps, next year…but I’m working on it. Hence, Delegatrix, Cybersane and I started WeightWatchers a few weeks ago, and for
the most part,we all have reached our first 5 lb success. Yeah, us! I’ve tried
not to let the whole weight loss thing become an obsession, as it did a few
years ago, and think I have done pretty good. We’re beginning to discover low
calorie, high fiber, low point snacks that we can have, that make us feel satisfied,
and not deprived. Our aim is to find 0 or 1 point snacks that still give you
the impression that you’ve had a treat, but aren’t a whole pan of chocolate
chunk brownies. Anyway, here’s our list so far – Please add via comments any
low point snacks and foods that you know of that we might not:

  • Brand: Kozy
    Shack "By Request"
    Pudding: No Sugar Added. – 1 point
    Flavors we’ve tried: Tapioca and Rice
  • Brand: Jello "Sugar Free" Pudding snacks – 1
    . Flavors: Chocolate
  • Brand: Edy’s
    Whole Fruit Bars
    – – 1 point.
    Flavors we’ve tried: Wildberry and Grape