by Carollynn on 15 June 2005 Went to what was supposed to be my last orthodontic appt. on June 14 (Flag Day) and was very pleased with the results the Invisalign had produced. I had successfully completed my treatment plan, no longer did I sport the Hammersmith family front teeth split, and an overbite had been significantly lessened. I thought I was finally in the homestretch – nothing but retainers!
My glee was short lived as my orthodontist looked around, took photos and decided he had some refinements he wanted to do – shift the left tipped canine just a bit more, and turn another front tooth just so, requiring several more aligners to be created…So the home stretch has just stretched out a bit more…I don’t know for how long, or how many aligners I will be getting until August 1, when I make hopefully one of my last regular trips to pick up what SHOULD BE my last few sets of aligners.
All this for the perfect smile. Imagine this: For once, I was content with what it looked like – I’ve now met someone even more picky than me and his name is Dr. Philbin.
Thursday, May 19th, 2005 was a good day, all in all. Some day, I hope I look back and remember the day that my hard work in several areas began to pay off. It started
out like any other normal day, but by the end of it, well, good fortune had
seen fit to smile upon me not just once, but several times.
- For the last week, I’ve been religiously checking to see if my grades
for my last three classes has posted. Art History, Biology and Biology lab,
to be specific. I knew up to the final exam that I had done reasonably
well, but you never know with finals. I just don’t have the ability to
judge how well I have done on an exam. Today, I was rewarded to find I
had garnered 4 A’s and 1 B. The B is in my Art History class, and I’m delighted
to have that grade – it was a real groaner of a class. The other 2 classes
in which I received an ‘A’ were art related – upper level drawing and intro to
painting. Recently, you’ve seen the fruits of some of my artistic labors, and yes, they give A’s for that sort of talent. Its all about how hard you work, not necessarily how masterful you are, but anyway, I digress – - I registered for a class I was told I couldn’t. Long story which involves
a math placement exam and my long held fears of algebra. My graduation
plan is back on track, without any financial or time detours, and I will
finally conquer and vanquish that algebra monster by the end of August. - I was approved for my very first mortgage! Not a big deal to most of you,
I’m sure, but to me, well, it’s HUGE! Now, I just need to find the house to buy… easier said than done in this market, but one step
at a time… - Discovered late last night that all my hard work cleaning up the financial/credit
mess my ex-husband left for me was worth it, when I was told my FICO
score was
significantly higher than I thought, and is in the “Good” range!
Hip – hip – hooray for Thursday, May 19th, 2005! It will live as
one of my better days – a day when I received a lot of good news, about things
that I accomplished. We all need days like that, don’t we?
You decide. Due to a personal commitment, Delegatrix and I did not carpool today, so the advance fashion warning system was not in place. When I arrived at work today, I found almost an mirror image of myself sitting in Delegatrix’s cube. Hot pink top, and dark navy skirt – except for a few style differences – her top is sleeveless, mine is short sleeved, her skirt is linen, mine is a wrap style dark denim. As far as our co-workers are concerned, we are wearing a “uniform” of sorts.
We laughed about the coincidence, and joked that this is what happens when we don’t carpool. And then the fire alarm sounded, so we shuffled off to the parking lot, hoping in vain that we did not look like twinseys. While we were awaitng word it was safe to re-enter our building, two male co-workers came by and remarked that it was easy to find us, because of our identical uniforms. Okay, that tore it for me! Right then and there I informed Delegatrix of my outfit plans for the next day. It suddenly seemed so important, and yet juvenile to claim dibs on what you’re going to wear to work the next day. Of course, Delegatrix’s short term memory could resurface, and we’ll end up wearing the same thing, again…
I guess there are worse things that could happen.
“If you sprinkle…
While you tinkle…
Please be neat…
And wipe the seat…
– Old limerick seen on countless public women’s bathroom walls
Whatever happened to cleaning up after ones self? I just came back from the ladies (and I use the word “ladies” under severe protest at the moment.) restroom where there are 4 stalls. The first 2 stalls have leftover bathroom “business” on the back rim of their respective toilet seats. I had to open and close 2 stalls before I found one that was not disgusting. Who are these uncouth women who can’t even clean up after their g*d%$@! selves when they’ve had a poop, much less a pee, that didn’t exactly go where planned? Were they raised by wolves or what? Oy!
Just so everyone knows, its finals week, so if I fail to respond quickly, or at all, to email, phone calls, smoke signals, etc., I’m not purposely ignoring you, I’m doing one of the most vile things that man has ever invented — studying for final exams.
Yep, thats right, I’m studying for art history, biology and biology lab finals which commence Friday at 7 pm and end at 5 pm on Sunday.
Oh, yeah,I can feel the empathy emanating in from all directions… Now if only you looked good in a blond wig and could take my exams for me… provided of course that you’re able to ace ’em…Any takers? No? I didn’t think so. Guess its back to the old salt mines, er, the books. See ya when I come out the other side.