Humm along with me – it’s the Tigger song from Winnie the Pooh. But substitute
“Carollynn” for “Tigger”

The most wonderful thing about Tiggers,
is Tiggers are wonderful things.
Their tops are made out of rubber,
their bottoms are made out of springs.
They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is,
I’m the only one.
Oh, I’m the only one!

Oh, the wonderful thing about Tiggers is,
Tiggers are wonderful chaps.
They’re loaded with vim and vigor.
They love to leap in your lap.
They’re jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is …
I’m the only one!

tiggers song pointing.gif

– not always the most accurate depiction of me – although I know many a folks
who would agree that my my top must be made outta rubber, and my bottom must
surely be made out of springs for all the falls I have taken and ah but I digress
– it’s the last line in the song that’s the crux of my point… “But the
most wonderful thing about Carollynns is … I’m the only one!”

Or so I thought.

tigger song aside .gifI Google myself occasionally, just to see where my web site shows up, where
references to my nickname ranks in relation to the London nickname for the tube
stop (I’m finally ranked higher than London – whoohoo!), etc.

Anyway, yesterday, between rounds of Biology 101 and 102 homework assignments
(Yuck and double yuck!) I decided to Google myself, and since I was already
slap happy, I hit enter before typing in my last name, and so only Googled “Carollynn”. I’m somewhat chagrinned to discover that I rank #2 in the search, #1 is a
Hawaiian crafter who spells her name the way mine originally spelled before
I got lazy and stopped capitalizing the second “L“. My only
consolation is that my web sites look better than hers.

Sigh, so much for being unique. Now I know I’m not the only one.

Born: The Dawning of mankind
Died: July 2004, Durango, Colorado

There is so much crap that goes on every day in our world that a random, anonymous
act of kindness is like water to a parched man. You’d think it would be overwhelmingly
received, wouldn’t you? Yeah, I thought so, too, but it seems that, AGAIN,
I am wrong.

Random Act of Kindness Has Multiple Strokes

I recall a friend sending cookies to a relative of mine at the hospital during
a life or death crisis. My friend didn’t know my relative, but she, being a
really, really good and kind person, wanted to use her incredible baking talent
to put a smile on someone’s face during a really horrific time – if even for
the briefest moment. The package was accompanied by a note telling my relative
how they came to arrive there, through knowing me.

The first stroke: The reception by my relative: “I
didn’t know who they were from, and thought they might be poisoned…"

Okay, sure, I have, as everyone knows, through the years made it a habit to
send poisonous, inedible food to friends and family. My reputation has preceded

The second stroke: The relative then said: “So I gave
them to the other patients’ families in the waiting room…”

Hmmm, its okay if someone is poisoned, just not you, your family or friends. (Note: Random Act of Kindness needed CPR and a ventilator after that episode.)

Random Act of Kindness – DOA

Then, this past Saturday morning, as I’m watching GMA Weekend edition, I hear
of 2 Colorado
girls sued
for leaving cookies on someone’s doorstep. The judge awarded
the Plaintiff $900 towards her medical expenses she incurred from the anxiety
attack she had as a result of the random act of kindness.

As Delegatrix so elegantly said yesterday, “When are we as a society going
to stop being held responsible for people’s reactions?
… And what boobheaded judge
in his or her right mind sided with the plaintiff?

And I thought cookies were a good thing…

Classes Spring 2005

I think I can actually see the provberial light at the end of the tunnel. After this spring term at UMUC,(pronounced:”UMM- ick” by UMUC alumni) I will be a mere 13 classes away from my long awaited, long longed for and agonized over bachelor’s of science degree. Proposed date of graduation: End of Summer 2006.

13 must be my lucky number as it also is the number of credits I am taking this term. Here’s the dizzying array of scintillating classes inwhich I have enrolled:

  • World History of Art (online)
    Snooty class full of “shalls, old world manners and masterpeices of art.” Lord, I’ve died and gone to heaven!
  • Biology 101 (online)
    Ugh, science, almost as bad as math…
  • Biology 102 Required Lab (online)
    Yeah, we all wanna know how you dissect a frog online
  • Drawing 3
    – They finally let me use color!
  • Introduction to Painting
    – wee! finger painting here I come!

So if it seems I have no time for you, don’t take it personally. I don’t have time for anyone. 😉

Taxes in a flash!

Faster than a speeding bullet, the Maglev train or the cheetah… My taxes done in a flash! Get this:

  • Received my W-2 on Friday, January 21
  • On Saturday, January 22, did my taxes with Turbo Tax and eFiled.
  • Today, Wednesday, January 26 and I have already received my State of Maryland refund in my bank account.

Whoo hoo! Can’t wait for the Federal funds to slam into that old checking account. New home, here I come.

Can ya believe it? A 4 day turn around!!! God – I love Turbo Tax and eFile!

Scooping Delegatrix

Since my pal is on her honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean on the Queen Mary this week, I have been asked to check up on her home while she is away, get the mail, etc. This is no mere "keep an on the house for me", nope, while she’s away, crafty contractors have been hard at work renovating her kitchen. And as such, I get to see the results before anyone else, including Delegatrix!

So far, all the old cabinets have been removed, new lighting and hardwood floors installed, and beautiful brick red paint has been applied to the walls. All this was accomplished by the time I showed up on Monday. I plan a return trip on Thursday and I am so excited to see what I can see. Here’s hoping the cabinets and the window seat are in place. It would be such a nice present to come home to a finished kitchen – its gonna be fabulous. Here’s to wishful thinking!

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What not to order for Dinner

While out for dinner recently, I had an interesting and somewhat amusing experience.
We were at a mid-priced steak chain and deciding what to order. In the midst
of ordering, the following round robin of riduculousness occured. Our big, burly
waiter said, rather quietly, "Have you ever eaten here before?… I wouldn’t
order that…"

Us: "What? What did he say?"

Waiter: "Nothing, nothing – Its just that there are better things."

Us: "Oh, okay, so then perhaps the sirloin…"

Waiter: "Have you ever had that here? No? I’d try something else…"

Us: "Such as?"

Waiter: "I wouldn’t want to impose my opinion…"

Us: "Well, if the first steak wasn’t a good idea, and the sirloin wasn’t
a good idea, then what do you recommend.."

Waiter: (Without a trace of hesitation)- "The Cajun Ribeye"

Us: "Okay, we’ll have that."

Waiter: "Have you ever had that here, before?"

Us: "Groan…Uh, no, why?"

Waiter: "Its just that the Ribeye is a very fatty sort of cut, and I
don’t want you to be surprised when it comes. The flavor comes from the fat
marbling and the cajun marinade we soak in for 72 hours. Its not spicy, but
I didn’t want you to think you were getting spicy because of the name "Cajun
Ribeye." So, how would you like it cooked?

Us: "Medium – Medium Well?"

Waiter: "Have you have had a steak cooked here like that before?"

Its amazing we ever had any food set before us…