by Lexi Bobbles on 1 May 2014 Hi, Its Lexi here
We met a few weeks ago, earlier this week, you met my sissy-sis, Leeloo.

Coffee Maker, sink, dishwasher
Mom sez she’s still working on the accessory tease from last week, and has nothing to show just yet. I think that’s why she wanted me to guest post today. Mom’s a slacker. ha ha
I read Leeloo’s post, and while its true, she IS always hungry, I like to eat lots and lots of things.
Unlike Leeloo, I LOVE almost ALL human food, even though mom says I shouldn’t have any…
Dad’s good about sneaking some to us almost every day. He calls us his dish pre-rinse.
I like blueberries and bananas and STEAK and green beans and scrambled eggs
AND pancakes and french fries (McDonald’s are my favorite) and Carr’s Water Crackers and tuna fish
All this talk about food is making me hungry. You don’t have a snacky snack on you, do you?
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by Leeloo Dallas on 28 April 2014 Ahrrrroo000000ooh, I am Leeloo the Beagle!
I’m the other half of the Grrr Girls. You met my sissy-sis Lexi (a.k.a the Lemon Bobble) last week. She’s the pretty and popular one. Everyone loves Lexi, including me. She likes getting all the attention, good or bad and that’s O.K.

I graduamatatedgraduated from puppy school!
I was named after the title character in the movie, The Fifth Element.
My full name was Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat, but you can just call me Leeloo for short.
Mom and dad only ever call me by full name when I’ve been REALLY BAD. That’s only happened once or twice in 6 years.
I am the good Beagle (I graduated from PetSmart’s Puppy School) — Lexi did NOT, and SHE’s in BIG trouble ALL THE TIME…cos I hear them call for ‘Lexi Bobbles’ a whole bunch.
Who I am, what makes me tick
I like to talk – A LOT. I talk about any old thing that comes to mind…
And I’m ALWAYS HUNGRY, but I’m a Beagle and that’s normal.
I’m hungry now – could you PLEASE FEED ME?
Even just a little Snacky-snack?
Please, please, pleeeeeaze? I’m making cute, pleading Beagle eyes at you. You cannot resist.
That always works on dad. Would that work on you?
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by Carollynn on 26 April 2014 Just think of the married monogram as a domesticated tattoo
You may recall, earlier this month, I married my sweetheart Tim.
I can’t believe we did it, and it still feels a little weird to call him my husband.
Even though we’ve been together for 8 years, and have felt like we were married for most of that time, now we really are…
and I can finally INDULGE in that most southern of traditions
– a married monogram.

Libeco Monogramed Pillow from Number Four Eleven
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by Carollynn on 24 April 2014 The Accessory Tease

Cherry Trees and pollen = SPRING
Its finally SPRING, and thoughts of renewal, rebirth and redecorating are freely floating like the tree pollen in the air and on all outdoor surfaces.
Frankly, I’m chomping at the proverbial bit to do something to spruce up my nest.
One of the easiest ways to change your room’s decor, mentioned and promulgated by virtually every shelter magazine and decor blog is new pillows or pillow covers.
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by Carollynn on 20 April 2014 Warning to WordPress Bloggers about TimThumb plug-in
Last week, I was at an
Akamai security demo. One of the topics of conversation was around
IT security vulnerabilities found on government websites that employ
Word Press for
Over the last several years, my IT security chief has talked a bunch about the many vulnerabilities WP can have if the blog owner isn’t careful with how its configured and the plug-ins they use.
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by Carollynn on 18 April 2014 Cherry Blossoms in Bloom
You may recall last week, Mother Nature and I had a tiff over forcing my Cherry Blossoms to bloom early.
Sorry for the late follow up post. Its been a crazy busy week at work with a new application going live, AND then Tim became sick.

Cherry Blossoms Up close
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