by Lexi Bobbles on 14 April 2014 
Oh, hai, I’m Lexi Bobbles
HI, I’m Lexi and I’m a Lemon Bobble.
What’s a Lemon Bobble?
Mom wanted me to tell you about how I do some really fun and cool things around the house. But before we get to that I should introduce myself, even though, I think I’m already pretty famous. My sissy-sis Leeloo and I are known as the Grrr Girls. Yep, the very same Grrr Girls who have their own category in the top navigation bar of this blog of mom’s.
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by Carollynn on 13 April 2014 I want to…
drive down a street like this every day, going to and fro in my life’s journey.

This to me is a perfect view source
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by Carollynn on 11 April 2014 
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms Up Close
Sorry for the lack of posts this week.
Mother Nature and I have had a power struggle and it has significantly delayed any communications from me. We’re both in a bit of a huff these days.
She claims she’s mad at me because I’m trying to do her work AND make things happen before their time.
I’m mad at her because I want what I want…
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by Carollynn on 5 April 2014 
The under method of toilet paper presentation, also known as “BACKWARDS”
This past week a friend posted on social media marketing programs Facebook that they were going renegade and hung their toilet paper BACKWARDS.
I quote: “I just replaced my toilet paper facing the OTHER way. Because I’m an out-of-the-box thinker. A renegade. A rebel. A maverick, even. Yeah, I’m bad ass now, with my backwards-facing toilet paper!”
I thought it was funny and even commented on her status, wondering how it affected her. She jokingly said she thought it made her sleepless. Read on for more ‘Gumbo goodness…
by Carollynn on 3 April 2014 
Thomas Keller’s Buttermilk Fried Chicken Source
Yes, among my many other afflictions, I am a FCS – a Fried Chicken Snob. Being a southern girl at heart, I love Love LOVE me some fried chicken. So much so, I make it a point to it search out when we travel.
Turns out (like many other things) I have a pretty strong opinions on what constitutes “good” fried chicken:
Test #1: is the fried chicken good the next day, eaten cold?
If the answer is yes, then its not too greasy. [continue reading…]
by Carollynn on 1 April 2014 
Guess What’s In this Box…
Guess What’s in the Box? Here’s a hint, it’s from Tiffany’s, and its smaller than a breadbox… A lot smaller.
I don’t have a breadbox to set the box next to it so you can compare the size, but trust me — it’s smaller than a breadbox.
Here’s another hint: Eight years ago (wow, time really does fly once you pass age 45!) Tim and I had our very first date on April 1 at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC. We were first introduced via the mystical methodology of eHarmony. Luckily for me, he’d been slogging his way through, unsuccessful introductions for about six months, and was just about to give up, when little old me came along into his inbox. Read More