The Grrr Girls

Lexi & Leeloo - The Grrr Girls, our Beagle puppies

Lexi Bobbles & Leeloo Dallas – Puppy Divas

The Grrr Girls were so named for the ferocious grrrr-ing and growling they make when a stranger approaches the house. Leeloo and Lexi are our adorable, rascally, sweet Beagle and Beagle mix dogs that we adopted from two different rescues in 2008.  They are a constant source of joy, frustration, love and all things torn and shredded. On any given day the mischief one or both gets up to is a blog post in itself.

Leeloo is the elder dog, by a whole 3 months, and is academically accomplished by having graduated Puppy School and has the diploma and obedience skills to prove it. Bobbles, on the other hand,  is our the Puppy School dropout, and it shows.  She has no manners, thinks she can get away with anything as long as she give you the “look” and believes Tim is hers to command.

Lexi & Leeloo snuggling - the Grrr Girls

Lexi & Leeloo snuggling

Leeloo (on right, tri-colored full Beagle) we adopted at 13 weeks from B.R.E.W on July 19, 2008, and her “step-sister” Lexi Bobbles (Two-toned Lemon Bobble on left) joined the family on Septmeber 20, 2008 from the Happy Trails Rescue. Both rescue organizations do worthwhile work in saving and placing dogs with their fur-ever homes.  If you’re thinking about a new pet, please consider a rescue – the life you save might just be your own.

Read on for more Grrr Girls Hijinx

Adventures In Abbyism

The First Grrr Girl